Sometimes I don't really get people. The way they flaunt and scream their right answers for everyone to hear. If you're right, fine don't scream it madly that you got two mistakes and the world ended. Don't tell me you can't STAND not being able to have a 4 on this dreaded fucking calculus subject. Worse of all, TO SQUEAL THAT YOU BEING YOU the overconfident little shit that you are.
especially when some other people here who are soooo unfortuunate enough who hasn't got a big enough brain to fill in the dents made in Iraq to be able to just get a 68% to save her life and get a passing grade in calculus.
Talk about lowering my self-esteem to the brink of extinction.
There i was worrying my own shit, then had to comfort bianca, and then there they were.
Shitting about their answers and I'm perfectly sure they (who are in the overexuberant field of being too intelligent for their own good) only got a couple of mistake, kept talking. Me muttering like an idiot. And I told them off. And frankly I don't think they got a clear point on what I just said, considering they ARE SMART. They should be smart enough to SHUT UP sometimes.
Tangina niyo talgah. Makarma sana kayo. Kahit mukhang impossible.
sana talagah.
/** Oh yeah. My anmath finals were...well ...just pray for me...
After the exam, my brain was mush, and many apologies to fellow bmia's nixie and cat have fun though. babawi ako.
tasj and bianca and I went to rp just to forget the exam. We ate at tokyo tokyo. Ranted. Me and tashy bought shoes!!!!!! Haha it was totally unexpected.
Tasj was the only one looking for a pair of shoes. We went to kickers and I saw this to-die-for blue orange and white slip ons. ACK it was even on sale ( i hate my credit card ) 1,770 Php. It looks totally adorable. I got permission from my dad to get it using my card (so, he won't have a fit for seeing a 1.7k bill on the day of the charges)
(the cutest shoes :))
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