Tuesday, July 09, 2002

classes resume tomorrow, and yes hell awaits yours truly tomorrow, along with the sidings of pure heaven.
the rain stopped falling in the afternoon and yes, being the procrastinator that i am, hastily typed last minute relstwo reaction paper making my brain stop short of its holiday and getting it into action (it needs oil and it keeps creaking at me and shouting complaints)
another sucky issue is i lost my g-tech pen. gak. i loved that pen. i lost about 6 of those my whole life. damn it. it should be atop my computer table as it always been as i've been scribbling techniques and strategies, but no, *poofed* in thin air, it had.
great, now my only weapon to school is my mechanical pencil...IT'S NOT ENOUGH DAMMIT. i don't wanna spend another 50 bucks for now, as i have been flat broke paying off that book that i stupidly lost...*eek* senile at a tender age of 17...
which reminds me, i'll be older in the upcoming weeks...*bleah*
good night.

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