Monday, June 10, 2002

as i was in the fx to go home, a wonderful miracle happened. well, it was for me, simple as it was. but it totally lightened me up.
in the backseat i sat with a chinese guy and a couple who just had a newborn baby, a small bundle of blanketed innocence wrapped int the girl's arms. she gave me a smile and i smiled back.
as i was about to reach my stop, the chinese guy spoke to the couple. (i didn't remember the actual conversation but it went something like this)
chinese guy: anak niyo? (he said with a grin)
the guy: oo..
(the chinese guy took out his wallet and pressed a crisp 100 peso bill towards the sleeping child with the couple gaping and being watched by a smiling me) : para sainyo yan, para magkaron ng swerte yung anak niyo(it was their tradition or something i forgot)_
the girl smiled and the guy thanked him and i shouted para to the driver with a grin.
chinese guy: good luck sainyo ah...
the couple: salamat ...
i jumped down the fx and the guy stepped down too, and i walked home thinking how the world still need a few more people like that.
so compassionate and caring. so beautifully open minded and generous...
just like an angel.
it was almost like a sign...
a sign that i might be doing the right thing...

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