Sunday, June 23, 2002

at long last i could finally call *peace* with myself, as the hell week is over, and the residues of assignment have left to a relstwo reaction paper (which is very easy i might do it tomorrow), and a revision of our final ERD for database...aaah sheer bliss, not only that i got to watch scooby-doo on the new greenbelt cinema which is costly...around 150 bucks *ouchie*. then waiting for the three o clock show, my gamer's eye settled on something that is rotating fast 360s and i went to check it out...
it was a new game at timezone called r360. areal life simulation game that that has airplane chases on mid-air while you're controlling the plane to where it wants to go. as in CONTROLLING it. not those sissy left right things...we're talking about major somersaults and n degree turns ranging from 0-360 on all directions. basically my mouth is semi-drooling and i kept begging my mom if i don't play it right now, i would die, disintigrate, *poof* in thin air...(the game costs like 60 bucks) she said, okay stop whining and we'll go back after the movie....
after the movie (which is good, though i had a hard time swallowing the fact sarah michelle's role here is way too feminine and she should be kicking more @$$ than primping up like a total airhead)
i held firm and reloaded the semi-bent timezone card we own, and marched boldly to the gyrating wheel, and gave him my card... and stepped inside the ride....yahahahaha
the feeling during the middle of the game...gravity and me is like north and north magnets...repelling each other took tremendous amounts of force...and funny because of my flapping elephant pants the ride was stopped (due to sensors) and he told me
man : i reset nalang natin ha?
me : sige lang...(folded up my pants)
(second time around)
the feeling: abosulte merciful hell and heaven at the same time...
after two minutes and the plane crashed...
feeling: giddy with excitement, happy, wobbly, and dizzy...

although i may try it again sometime soon...Ü i will wear shorts next time nyahahaha
i suggest you try it or miss half your life...*joke*

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