Saturday, June 01, 2002

i have to keep a restrain to myself not to post my new poems here, as i keep on thinking for a better layout for my site. school has started. and this will be a pathetic school year. the first day was okay. the first day of a school night is the shittiest night of my life. and it has harden and solidified my past perspectives to stone. no, not the assignments, no they didn't gave out mp's to be due next week. and anmath isn't really in my top priorities right now. i will fix up my messed up life, and this is not for the person who keeps on caging me to become the way i am, and to become who i want to be. who wouldn't let me fly. who won't let me be me. i'm not free, and i will never be free. as long as i'm held with a restraining order.
someday i will be free. and when i'm free, i will fly.
"please hold on, i think i'm falling, i'm holding on to all i think is safe, it seemed i found the road to nowhere, and i'm trying to escape".

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