Friday, June 14, 2002

too much assignments, too much! *racks brain*
and i think im starting to get a cold, i've been sneezing my head off the whole day. we (jin, vetz, and I) started our church involvement today, and guess what? of course, like any other starting employee we got down into the dirty business.
janitorial work that is.
we wiped and polished the altar, as well as cleaned the the choir steps, the gates and other marble arches. we had a good time, although we tired ourselves laughing. we even wanted to volunteer to scrape the candle wax drippings from the candle holders hehe..
the nice lady let us go early and i lit 2 candles and went to bert's and i listened to a few solutions for some linear algebra problems consisting of hyperbolas and elipses and went home to think about my version4 (too early eh? i had a few ideas brewing in my brain) and experimented using cut off large images and placed them into tables...
they look sucky because they have seamless gaps in between each cell image and waaaaah it looks hideaous *bleah*.
i have to study for anmath...
get that erd for introdb into action
and review for network, soccer, and rels quizzes all happening on wednesday
it's enough to drive me up the wall
not to mention my nose is clogged up with unforeseen mucus *gag*.
huhhhhhh i need some r&&r

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