Monday, June 24, 2002

dianne's site is the newest additions to my link list ( i love the way it sounds link list ^______^ ) beautifully crafted site with a killer flash intro, me? what about me? yeah, yeah, i know i've been trying to produced something flash since last year but failed n times. okay i have some feeble attempts but it sucks...tremendously...

at least i stopped saying *fun* (heheh vetz is particularly happy with the prospect, i know she's been wanting to pound me every time i say that 3 letter word *grins sheepishly*)

i have this annoying habit of blogging when my time is near the disconnection time of the dlsu account. which is 59:10...what a drag.
*yawn* the start of the school week is tomorrow *ugh* and from what i recalled, sir network said the exam results will be given. woe is me, frankly, all my tests last week were doozies (is there such a word? *shrug*) everything...from PE - anmath (i don't even want to remember the dreaded anmath exam...*makes cross*) and yes...i have been busying myself for the upcoming version of my site.
which is still waaaaaaaay long (maybe around september or something) but it's one of my top priorities besides schoolwork (i'm such a liar... ^_~)

and yes, i am now disconnected from the web....

during my mall trip with my shopaholic sister this afternoon, my feet were hurting as she kept on looking for shoes ( i don't even think she knows what kind of shoes is she looking for...). i kept circling around her like a vulture ready to eat dead prey. but i regained control and bored myself looking at shiny mary janes, loafers, sneakers and different colored sandals. don't get me wrong...i can be a mall rat myself, but if you spent an hour just browsing shoe stores, you're ready to wail and whine like a six year old.

good thing for me i didn't, but it was totally unfair i spent only about 5 minutes tops searching for a clipart CD as my sister taps her foot impatienly as i browsed through the selection...well computers are part of my life. hers is shoes and photography or's not my fault everything PC comes in a square container, or somewhat rectangular in being...(except CD's or the mouse) i didn't even had enough time to browse through the new games and literally she was dragging me out of the store

where's democracy when you need it?

so while she walks, i thought up some things that i want but i couldn't get it for some reason or another...

things i want/want to do, that i know i can afford, but will be flat broke after, so i can't buy/do it...right now.
-tremendous amounts of silver rings and earrings
-eating at waiying 5 times a week
-colorful post-its
-engraved parker
-any book i might find interesting
-world cup match [mc float and mc shaker fries]
-PC gaming / art / miscellaneous CDs
-AUDIO CDs (no pirated)
-compilation CDs (thank God nicky's cd-r broke down *control*)
-5 g-tech pens
-beanie babies

things i want to do, i know i can do it, but too lazy to comply
-tune up the piano
-get my computer fixed (ITS STILL WORKING! although it has some bugs! BUT I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT *WAAAAAH*)
-get the breakdown site fixed
-my reaction paper due for wednesday (SLACKER!)
-final ERD for introdb also due wedsnesday (SLACKER!)
-get off from this computer chair to do REAL work

here are some things i really want to have, but my parents don't want too because, well, ask them...
-a laptop
-cable connection
-dsl connection
-drums [ehehe]
-a flat screen monitor
-a new PC
-play station 1 and 2
-my own car [go figure]

and yes officialy my mind is distorted.
i bid buenos noches senyoritos and senyoritas.

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