Saturday, January 24, 2004

scratch what i said about fateback being kick ass. now they put ADS in the sites. *pif*pif*
I haven't touched RO for this whole week. I was bombarded with things to do for the organization and I was encountering thesis problems >_<

and someone hosted me! ♥ I will be moving soon :)


Monu Awalla said...


Tom Baker said...

Came here from Poetry by W.S. I'm not a Google member so I couldn't leave a comment. This is about your poem, Just Because. Very nice poem.

I would like to feature this poem along with several others on my blog. It's a once a month feature called Poetic License. September was the first month and October and November are filled however I would like to use yours in December, if you say it's okay. October's Poetic License comes out tomorrow.

My blog has a very unconventional name so you might decide against it, but either way could you let me know. There is only room for seven poets and I already have three for December. You can check out September's post first before you decide. Of course you will get credit and a link back to your site. Thanks.